Saturday, June 27, 2009

Today Featuring "Diamond Organics" Flowers and GIfts

Diamond Organics is located in Moss Landing, California. They have a huge variety of Organic gifts including, organic flowers, organic wine, organic gourmet, organic fruit, organic vegetables, organic sampler gift packs as well as organic spa baskets and organic personal care baskets. The selection of organic flowers , gourmet and gifts is amazing !
The truth is, the flower industry is one of the heaviest users of agricultural chemicals and over 60% of fresh-cut flowers sold in the U.S. are imported from countries whose environmental standards are much more lax than ours. In some cases, chemicals banned in the U.S. are used in other countries and find their way back here through imported flowers, fruits, and vegetables. According to a number of recent studies, roses can contain up to 50 times the amount of pesticides that are legally allowed on the food we eat.
Their organic flowers are grown exclusively by America's organic flower farmers in California and Hawaii.
Organic farming practices build sustainable soil fertility which deeply nourishes plants, giving them more concentrated, intense flavor and nutritional power. When you buy organic, you support a growing family of people whose goal it is to provide the tastiest and most nutritious food available, now and for generations to come.

Another Great Organic florist !
Send Organic Flowers & Gourmet Gifts - from $29.95

Petite Bouquets for only $19.95

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